The HiSET Mathematics exam will span for about 50 questions total. All questions will be in multiple choice format. You will be expected to complete these questions within an hour and a half (90 minute) time frame. It is worth noting that this exam is the only one where you will be allowed to use a calculator to help answer questions. However, the type of calculator you can use will vary from testing site to testing site. You will not be allowed to bring your own, but will have to ask for one from your testing administrator. Furthermore, the calculator you will be given will be only a scientific or a standard type. Considering the time limit on this exam, we encourage you to aim your study efforts so you can answer as many questions as possible without the help of a calculator. Doing so will help you to test more efficiently.
Additionally, you will also have to possess some knowledge of mathematical formulas for this exam. While you will be given a reference, it will not include all formulas you need to know. Be sure to research the basic algebraic formulas as part of your study plan so you can approach these problems effectively.
Will make up the largest amount of test questions, as it accounts for 45 percent of the test’s full content. As the name implies, questions under this category will mainly deal with the strategies and ideas taught in the average Algebra class, including graphing, expressions, equations, and similar elements.
Also accounts for 18 percent of the test’s questions. This final category will ask you to evaluate shapes, using given information to make calculations about their size and similar qualities.
Takes up 19 percent of the test questions. Questions under this category will require you to work with numbers in various ways, from rounding them to converting them into another format.
Is one of the smallest categories, taking up 18 percent of test content. This category involves similar problem solving strategies, which will require you to interpret mathematical data.
90 Minute Time Limit
60 Multiple Choice Questions
Algebraic Concepts
Measurement & Geometry
Numbers & Operations on Numbers
Data Analysis, Probability, and Statistics
The idea of taking such an important exam may seem intimidating. However, the AES team wants to assure you that you have nothing to fear! We care about your success and know just how significant this exam is to reaching your future goals. That’s why we’re here to help by providing you with the most thorough study tools around.
On this page, you’ll be able to access our HiSET Mathematics practice test. We have designed our practice test with your needs in mind. Thanks to careful research and extensive observation of the actual HiSET exam, we have ensured our practice test is as accurate to the real thing as possible. You can use this free study tool to familiarize yourself with the real exam’s content and structure. Each question on our practice test will be similar in format to what you will find on test day.
In addition to learning the ins and outs of the real exam, you can also use our practice test to adjust your study plan as needed. Once you’ve taken our practice test for the first time, we encourage you to go back and gauge your performance. You can then tailor your study plan according to whichever areas you performed the weakest in, so you can better tackle those sections of the exam on test day.
You can also access our HiSET Mathematics study guide here. Much like our practice test, this study guide is designed to give you a better sense of how to approach the full exam. Should you find yourself stuck with your study plan or simply unsure of where to start, our study guide can lend you a helping hand.
We hope these study tools will make a wonderful addition to your study plan. While they are best used in conjunction with each other, they should also prove effective when used independently. Feel free to take advantage of one or both of them to bolster your study approach to its full potential. Good luck!
Calculators are allowed for this portion and this portion only. Furthermore, you may use your calculator for as long as you wish. The questions given may either involve concrete mathematical skills, such as arithmetic, making estimates, or analyzing data; or more advanced applications of probability and algebra. Every question will have a lifelike basis for ease of understanding.